Scripture Reading - 1 John 4:4

Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. KJV

Dear believer, we must remember that although we are only little children we are still children of God. Being a child of God means we are born of the same nature and essence of God. The term little is used in comparison with our Heavenly Father God Almighty. Yes, in comparison to the Great God that encompasses the earth, all planets and the universe we are little in size when thinking about His Bigness. Also, we are known as little children in comparison to His Eternity considering that He is the Ancient of Days while we have only been alive for a few days (less than a century). Typically, the word little means a young one which we are when compared to the maturity of the Greater One. However, with all that being said do not consider yourself a little one when compared to the devil. No quite the contrary is true, we are made of God’s spiritual power and virtue, His excellence becomes us. We must know that when trials and troubles try to darken our door that we have already overcome them in Christ Jesus, because the scripture proclaims loudly that, “Greater is He that is in you than all those evil beings around us in the world”. This knowledge of God gives us the distinct advantage in any conflict we have with darkness. It is not that we are so great and powerful in our own strength or wisdom but we have great immeasurable strength and wisdom of God when relying upon the Holy Spirit of God. Why, you might ask? It is solely because He, yes the Greater One, lives inside of us to give us His strength and wisdom. When considering this Greater One know that the Wise Father, the all knowing Son Jesus and the omnipresent Holy Spirit are all combined to make up this Greater One. This truth should embolden you to cast off fear and any reservations of timidity to take your stand on any and every promise of God. Yes, in the world system the odds look stacked against us but in the Kingdom of God the odds are always in our favor. So be bold and be joyous because you have the Greater One (made up of three) inside of you to secure the victory over the works of the devil. Remember, they are all powerful within you when you are operating by the principles of the Kingdom of God. They have made you all powerful when you humbly submit to their counsel. Know that the Greater One has a Name that we use to defeat the evil forces in this earth, so use that Great Name of Jesus to defeat all foes against you. The Greater One lives inside of you so that you can do great things in this earth through the Great Name of Jesus. Amen!